The table editor is a wizard like modal editor that aims to simplify the process of creating and updating a database table and its content.

The table editor can be open either when a new table element is created by using the diagram palette - only if this option is set in preferences - or to edit an existing table simply by doing a double-click on a table element on the diagram. The wizard can be closed at any time by pressing the Finish button once the minimum information has been provided, when a new database table is created from the diagram palette there is an additional button - Add new.. that can be used to add the new table and immediately restart the wizard to create a new one.

First wizard page shows basic properties of a database table element, the only required information is the table name which can't be left empty and it also must be unique within a database. The only property that does not correspond to a property of a OpenEdge database table is the Template option, use that to define a template table as opposed to a regular one.

Second wizard page can be used to optionally add fields to the database table, use the add/update/save/remove buttons to edit the fields collection. When adding new fields the field name is mandatory and it must be unique for a table. The wizard does not enforce the fact that each table must have at least one field just to allow creating the entities in a rapid manner during discovery phase when the blue print is created and details will be added later, however, the validation process will report that as a validation error.

Third wizard page can be used to optionally define the primary key of the database table. If defined the index name is mandatory and must be unique for the table, also at least one field must be part of the index - it is recommended the primary index to be also unique. Non-unique primary indexes are reported as warning by the validation process while indexes with no fields are reported as error.

Forth and last wizard page can be used to optionally define triggers for the database table, use the add/update/save/remove buttons to edit the triggers collection. When adding a new trigger the procedure name is mandatory and there can't be more than one trigger defined for the same event.