Export Database Definition File wizard

This wizard helps you export a database model from a diagram file in the workspace as OpenEdge definition file (.df).

Here is how the Export Database Definition File wizard looks like:

Export Database Definition File Fields





Database Diagram

File name

The workspace file that contains the database diagram, .oedia extension.

The resource that was selected when you invoked the import wizard, if file name matches the .oedia extension.


The diagram's database to export.

Database Definition File

Enter or select the parent folder

The resource in which the database definition file is located, or a new file will be created. Type or browse the list to select the resource.

The resource that was selected when you invoked the import wizard, if file name matches the .df extension.

File name

The name for the new database definition file, including the file extension.

The file name of resource that was selected when you invoked the import wizard, if file name matches the .df extension.

Open data definition file on finish.

Whether or not to open the database definition file after export completes.

Validation errors

A list of validation errors or warnings.